Monday, June 28, 2010

Quote of the day--try this it really works.

The only way to worry about nothing
is to pray about everything.
- Unknown

Friday, June 25, 2010

Love this! From the Brave Girls Club.

Dear Overwhelmed Girl,

Do you have the completely irrational belief that so many of us have that
you can be everything to everyone....especially to those that you love? Do
you believe it’s your job to keep them all happy, to help them with everything
that they are struggling with and to then go out and save the world in your
free time?

Do you over commit and then beat yourself up when you under-deliver?

Are there a million things on your list that were really really important that
you didn’t even get to because you got caught up in doing things that weren’t
nearly AS important?

Ok now.....take a deep breath. Now...take another one. One more.

Remember that you are wonderful. You are loved.....and, phenomenal friend...
amazing are a human being. You DO have limitations and it is
totally ok for you to say no sometimes....lots of times. In fact, it is essential.

When you don’t stop to remember....
to end up grouchy, tired, uncreative, angry and numb to lots of
life. You are a sparkling, beautiful girl and we need that STOP
today and make a list....prioritize realistic. Say no to at least 3
things today..........practice.

Say yes to being 100% present to the things
that matter most to you..instead of a tired and diluted version who has too much
to do to ever do her best at ANYTHING. Don’t lose yourself while you are trying to
be everything to everyone....

If at all possible....only have enough on your plate that you can do your best at
everything you have to do.......your life will take on new meaning and happiness.

Just practice...this is a hard one, but so worth it. Hang in are loved!
