Tuesday, January 26, 2010

January Mommy and Me class.

We had so much fun at the first Mommy and Me class! Remember this will be a bi-monthly class so be sure to mark your calendars.
The next one is March 20th 1-3 pm.

Cost for the class is $10 and includes all supplies for one adult and one child project. Ask about pricing for additional children.  All children must be accompanied by an adult. Class can be altered for boys or girls-we just want you to have fun with your child. Please bring a snack to share.  At this point we are not putting an age on the class—the pictures for what we are making will be posted on the blog and our bulletin board. You make the call if it is something you and your child would be enjoy.  The last part of the class will be snack and fellowship.  Sign up in advance  662-7888

Here are a few photos of the projects for January and a couple photos of those who gave me permission to post!

Each Mommy/child team made a photo frame and bookmark for children  and a calendar for mom.

Here are the samples of the calendar and photo frame

Here are the samples of the book marks.  The saying on them are as follows

If your a bookworm, we are made for each other.  apple
Lemon help you keep your place.  lemon
Berry yourself in books. Reading is sweet.  strawberry
Orange you glad you are reading this book?  orange--not shown.

 As you can see from the photos the children were all so creative and came up with some wonderful ideas.

There was even a guessing game.

The kids had to guess how many candy hearts were in the container to win it.

1 comment:

  1. MJ...I just noticed the link on your regular blog to here and am totally amazed by all you do. I was just thinking of a Mom and Me class and look what I find here. These are great projects! I bet that will really catch on and grown. They will be blessed by your talent and penchant for good fun. So glad I found this! Blessings on your day!
